Date: 23 November 2019 UA Uni Beykent Alumni Reunion Organised by the Office of the Dean of Students, UA UNI Beykent Alumni Reunion was held on 23rd November, 2019 between 13.00 – 18.00 on Taksim Campus, in Adem Çelik Amphitheatre. İlgili Görseller Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş
Date: 23 November 2019 UA Uni Beykent Alumni Reunion Organised by the Office of the Dean of Students, UA UNI Beykent Alumni Reunion was held on 23rd November, 2019 between 13.00 – 18.00 on Taksim Campus, in Adem Çelik Amphitheatre. İlgili Görseller