Message from the Head of Department

Message from the Head of Department

The age we live in is more visual than like never before in history. Due to this changing age, the whole communication and therefore the whole world changes. In accordance with these changes, the Visual Communication Department was established in order to be a department where theoretical and applied lessons are given together, developing the student in various sectors and various professions, differentiating their perceptions and teaching critical thinking to the student in these directions. Nowadays, hundreds of images appear every day in front of a people working in communication, design or art. The Visual Communication Department has set out to raise individuals who can make sense of these images and messages and read them both technically and critically and also become actors in the creation process. For this reason, while the Visual Communication Department explains how a product will emerge, on the other hand explains how to use a product as a representation tool with theoretical lessons.

The medium of instruction in our department is Turkish. English preparatory program is optional.


Asst. Prof. Ozan GÜNEL

Head of Visual Communication Design Department